Sentence examples of "tell" in English

I won't tell you. No te lo diré.
I will tell you tomorrow. Te lo contaré mañana.
I tried to tell you. Intenté decirte.
They'll tell me in my room. Ven a contarme en mi habitación.
She promised not to tell anyone. Ella prometió no decirle a nadie.
Tell him how much I miss him Dígale cuánto le echo de menos
With 20/20 hindsight, he could tell why they lost the game. Como a toro pasado todos somos Manolete, él pudo explicar por qué perdieron el partido.
We have a long story to tell you. Tenemos una larga historia para contarte.
Tell me all you know in connection with this. Cuéntame todo lo que sepas relacionado con esto.
I'll tell him that. Le diré eso.
It is hard to tell Es difícil contar
Let me tell you something. Déjame decirte algo.
I have something good to tell you. Tengo algo bueno que contarte.
He promised not to tell that to anyone. Él prometió no decirle eso a nadie.
Tell her how much I miss her Dígale cuánta la echo de menos
Don't tell your dad. No se lo digas a tu padre.
Toby can't tell jokes. Toby no sabe contar chistes.
Well, let me tell you. Bueno, déjame decirte.
I can't tell you what happened. No puedo contarte lo que pasó.
He promised me that he won't tell anybody. Él me prometió no decírselo a nadie.
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