Sentence examples of "twice as much" in English

He had twice as much money as I. Él tenía dos veces más dinero que yo.
He earns twice as much as me. Él gana el doble que yo.
He ate twice as much as I did. Él comió el doble que yo.
Sandra spent twice as much as I did. Sandra gastó el doble de dinero que yo.
My brother eats twice as much as I do. Mi hermano come el doble que yo.
That yellow sweater costs twice as much as this blue one. Ese jersey amarillo cuesta el doble que este jersey azul.
That's why ostrich meat costs more than twice as much as beef and pork. Es por eso que la carne de avestruz cuesta más del doble que la de ternera o cerdo.
In fact, to move at any speed the polar bear uses twice as much energy as do most other mammals. De hecho, para moverse a cualquier velocidad el oso polar usa el doble de la energía que usan los demás mamíferos.
He is twice as heavy as his wife. Él pesa el doble que su mujer.
I will help as much as I can. Ayudaré tanto como pueda.
He is twice as old as I am. Él es el doble de viejo que yo.
I've never met someone that I love as much as I love you. Nunca he conocido a nadie a quien yo ame tanto como te amo a ti.
That country is about twice as large as Japan. Ese país es casi dos veces más grande que Japón.
Lend him as much money as he needs. Préstale tanto dinero como necesite.
The average American living space is twice as large as the living space in Japan. La media del espacio vital en América es el doble que la media de espacio vital en Japón.
Women today drink as much as men. Hoy en día, las mujeres beben tanto como los hombres.
You are twice as strong as I. Eres el doble de fuerte que yo.
A drunkard is somebody you don't like and who drinks as much as you do. Un borracho es alguien que no te gusta y que bebe tanto como tú.
He is twice as old as I. Él es el doble de viejo que yo.
I just want to improve as much as I can. Tan solo quiero mejorar tanto como pueda.
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