Sentence examples of "ugliest" in English with translation "feo"

Translations: all20 feo20
That's the ugliest baby that I've ever seen. Ese es el bebé más feo que haya visto.
Why are you so ugly? ¿Por qué eres tan feo?
I think it's ugly Creo que es feo
He is neither handsome nor ugly. No es ni guapo ni feo.
My house is old and ugly. Mi casa es vieja y fea.
Do you think I'm ugly? ¿Crees que soy feo?
An ugly man knocked on my door. Un hombre feo llamó a mi puerta.
The cellar is ugly, dark, and stinky. El sótano es feo, oscuro y apestoso.
His wife doesn't seem ugly to me. Su esposa no me parece fea.
Some parts of this city are very ugly. Algunas partes de esta ciudad son muy feas.
Tom told Mary she was fat and ugly. Tom le dijo a Mary que era gorda y fea.
That's an ugly building, in my opinion. En mi opinión, ese es un feo edificio.
Mary's not pretty, but she isn't ugly, either. Mary no es linda, pero no es fea tampoco.
Tom thought the watch Mary had given him was ugly. Tom pensó que el reloj que le regaló Mary era feo.
Between ourselves, the fat ugly witch is on a diet. Entre nos, la feo gorda bruja está a dieta.
Men are like bears: the uglier they are, the more handsome. El hombre y el oso cuanto más feo más hermoso.
Tom couldn't believe how ugly Mary became as she got older. Tom no podía creer lo fea que se volvía María a medida que envejecía.
That picture doesn't seem ugly to me; on the contrary, I think it's rather beautiful. No me parece feo ese cuadro, al contrario, pienso que es hermoso.
When I saw you, I thought you were the most ugly thing I've ever seen in my life. Cuando te vi, pensé que eras la cosa más fea que había visto en mi vida.
What should we do with this white elephant your aunt gave us? It's way too ugly to go on the wall. ¿Qué hacemos con este elefante blanco que nos regaló tu tía? Es demasiado feo para colgarlo en la pared.
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