Sentence examples of "wrong" in English

She dialed the wrong number. Ella marcó el número equivocado.
Her name was spelled wrong. Su nombre fue deletreado mal.
You've got me wrong Me tiene incorrecto
Most people consider murder wrong. La mayoría de la gente considera que el asesinato es malo.
You were wrong to refuse his help. Cometiste un error al rechazar su ayuda.
The answer is completely wrong. La respuesta es completamente errónea.
I may indeed be wrong. En realidad podría estar equivocado.
I know it's wrong. Sé que está mal.
You dialed the wrong number Marcó el número incorrecto
It is wrong to steal. Robar es malo.
It is wrong to tell a lie. Es un error decir mentiras.
Don't get the wrong idea. No te hagas la idea errónea.
Frankly speaking, he is wrong. Francamente hablando, está equivocado.
I've done nothing wrong. No he hecho nada mal.
Tom dialed the wrong number. Tom marcó un número incorrecto.
Something wrong was about to happen. Algo malo estaba a punto de suceder.
To make mistakes is not always wrong. Cometer errores no siempre es malo.
I think your basic theory is wrong. Creo que tú teoría básica es errónea.
He saw he was wrong. Vio que estaba equivocado.
You're doing it wrong. Lo estás haciendo mal.
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