Sentence examples of "Comme" in French with translation "as"

Elle est réputée comme chanteuse. She is noted as a singer.
Il ment comme il respire. He lies as naturally as he breathes.
Comme tu le sais déjà. As you already know.
Il réussit bien comme artiste. He made good as an entertainer.
Il est incompétent comme docteur. He is no good as a doctor.
Fais comme il te dit. Do as he tells you.
Faites comme il vous dit. Do as he tells you.
Elle l'engagea comme interprète. She hired him as an interpreter.
Le chien est comme mort. The dog is as good as dead.
C' est facile comme bonjour As easy as pie
Son père travaillait comme porcher. His father worked as a swineherd.
Fais comme je te dis. Do as I tell you.
Elle l'embaucha comme programmeur. She hired him as a programmer.
Fais comme il te plaira ! Do as you like.
C'est bête comme chou It's as easy as pie
Fais comme bon te semble. Do as you want.
Je courus comme l'éclair. I ran as fast as lightning.
Faites comme il vous plaira. Do as you like.
Il me harcèle, comme toujours. He gives me a bad time, as he always does.
Aime ton prochain comme toi-même. You shall love your neighbor as yourself.
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