Sentence examples of "Demain" in French

Je dois partir tôt demain. I must leave early tomorrow.
Vous êtes libre demain soir ? Are you free tomorrow evening?
Je voudrais te voir demain. I'd like to see you tomorrow.
La leçon est annulée demain. This lesson is cancelled tomorrow.
Tom ira là-bas demain. Tom will go there tomorrow.
Il ne reviendra pas demain. He will not be back tomorrow.
Fera-t-il chaud, demain ? Will it be hot tomorrow?
Demain, j'aimerais dormir tard. I'd like to sleep late tomorrow.
Demain je vais à Paris. Tomorrow I'm going to Paris.
J'irai à Tokyo demain. I will go to Tokyo tomorrow.
Il jouera au tennis demain. He will play tennis tomorrow.
Demain est un jour férié. Tomorrow is a holiday.
Demain, nous rencontrons l'ennemi. Tomorrow we will encounter the enemy.
Au revoir et à demain. Goodbye till tomorrow.
À demain, à l'école. See you tomorrow at school.
Demain, il jouera au football. He will play soccer tomorrow.
Merci de le ramener demain. Please bring it back tomorrow.
La cérémonie aura lieu demain. The ceremony will take place tomorrow.
Je vous l'amène demain. I'll bring it to you tomorrow.
Attends jusqu'à demain matin. Wait until tomorrow morning.
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