Sentence examples of "Tant" in French

Ne faites pas tant de bruit. Don't make so much noise.
Tant que mon coeur battra As long as my heart beats
Tu m'en as donné tant. You have given me so many.
Tant que tu seras là, je resterai. As long as you're here, I'll stay.
Je veux tant connaître votre pays. I want to know about your country so much.
Tout ira bien, tant qu'on s'aimera. As long as we love each other, we'll be all right.
Vous m'en avez donné tant. You have given me so many.
Tant que cela n'interrompt pas le jeu. As long as it doesn't interrupt the game!
j'ai tant besoin de toi I need you so much
Tant que nous vivons, notre cœur ne cesse de battre. As long as we live, our heart never stops beating.
J'ai encore tant à faire. I've got so much left to do.
Vous pouvez rester ici tant que vous gardez votre calme. You can stay here as long as you keep quiet.
Il y a encore tant à faire ! There's still so much to do!
Tant que je vivrai je n'oublierai jamais ta gentillesse. I will never forget your kindness as long as I live.
L'accent britanique m'a tant manqué. I missed the British accent so much.
N'importe quel appartement ira tant que le loyer est raisonnable. Any apartment will do as long as the rent is reasonable.
Comme tant d'autres, elle va le berner. She will cheat him, as so many others.
Tu pourras prendre ce livre tant que tu le gardes propre. You may take this book as long as you keep it clean.
Personne ne sait ce qui le tracasse tant. Nobody knows what it is that has been bothering him so much.
Tant que tu ne fais pas de bruit, tu peux rester ici. You can stay here as long as you don't make any noise.
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