Sentence examples of "aurait" in French with translation "have"

Il aurait dû travailler davantage. He should have worked harder.
Il aurait dû travailler plus. He should have worked harder.
Quelque chose aurait pu lui arriver. Something might have happened to her.
Il aurait dû passer l'examen. He should have taken the examination.
On aurait entendu voler une mouche You could have heard a pin drop
Sans ton aide, il aurait échoué. But for your help, he would have failed.
Sans son conseil, il aurait échoué. Without her advice, he would have failed.
Smith aurait dû dire la vérité. Mr. Smith should have told the truth.
Il aurait dû acheter quelques stylos. He should have bought some pencils.
Elle aurait échoué sans son aide. She would have failed but for his help.
Un lecteur attentif aurait noté l'erreur. A careful reader would have noticed the mistake.
Sans votre appui infaillible, ma mission aurait échoué. But for your steady support, my mission would have resulted in failure.
Il aurait souhaité aller au théâtre hier soir. He wishes he had gone to the theater last night.
Il aurait du aller voir son vieil ami. He must have gone to see his old friend.
On aurait dû faire attention à l'annonce. We should have paid attention to the announcement.
Elle aurait dû s'acheter une voiture d'occasion. She should have bought a used car.
Un avocat plus expérimenté aurait traité l'affaire différemment. A more experienced lawyer would have dealt with the case in a different way.
On aurait dû téléphoner auparavant et réserver une table. We should have phoned ahead and reserved a table.
En faisant un peu plus d'effort, il aurait réussi. With a little more effort, he would have succeeded.
Avec davantage d'études, il aurait trouvé un meilleur emploi. With more education, he would have found a better job.
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