Sentence examples of "calmé" in French

Le vent s'était calmé dans la soirée. The wind calmed down in the evening.
Le vent s'est calmé. The wind has died down.
Le vent s'est calmé dans la soirée. The wind calmed down in the evening.
Le vent s'est calmé progressivement. The wind gradually died down.
Calme-toi. Je ne t'écoute pas. Calm down. I can't hear you.
Les parents réussirent à le calmer. The parents succeeded in calming him down.
Tom refusa de se calmer. Tom refused to settle down.
J'ai essayé de calmer l'enfant. I tried to soothe the child.
J'ai fait une promenade pour essayer de me calmer. I went for a walk to try to sober up.
Sois calme et met l'autre personne à l'aise. Be relaxed and put the other person at ease.
Calmez-vous. Je passe dès que possible. Calm down. I'll come over as soon as possible.
J'ai fermé les yeux pour me calmer. I closed my eyes to calm down.
Tom refusa de se calmer. Tom refused to settle down.
Il a essayé de calmer l'homme en colère. He tried to soothe the angry man.
"Je peux plus le supporter !" "Calme-toi. Je viens dès que je le peux". "I can't stand it any more!" "Calm down. I'll come over as soon as possible."
Elle se calma avant de se mettre à parler. She calmed herself before beginning to speak.
Le remède a calmé sa douleur The medicine decreased his pain.
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