Sentence examples of "connu de nom" in French

Je le connais de nom. I know him by name.
Ce scandale sera connu de tous un jour. That scandal will be known to everybody in the course of time.
Il n'est président que de nom. He is the president in name only.
Elle a connu de meilleurs jours. She has known better days.
Je ne le connais que de nom. I know him only by name.
Ses fables ont fait de Hans Christian Andersen, le plus connu de tous les Danois du monde, une icône de la littérature mondiale. His fables made Hans Christian Andersen, the most famous Dane in the world, an icon of world literature.
Je le connais seulement de nom. I only know him by name.
Il est connu de tous. He is known to everybody.
Je le connais de nom, mais pas de visage. I know him by name, but not by sight.
Nous avons connu de beaux jours l'automne dernier. We had a spell of fine weather last autumn.
Je suis un chat. Je n'ai pas encore de nom. I am a cat. I don't have a name yet.
John Locke, le philosophe bien connu de la liberté, était actionnaire de la Royal African Company, qui achetait et vendait des esclaves. John Locke, the well-known philosopher of freedom, was a shareholder of the Royal African Company, which bought and sold slaves.
Le docteur est connu de chacun au village. The doctor is known to everyone in the village.
Cette mode a connu de beaux jours. This fashion has had its day.
Son nom est connu de tout le monde dans ce village. His name is known to everyone in this town.
Son nom est connu de tous dans cette région. His name is known to everybody in this area.
Son nom est connu de tous dans notre ville. His name is known to everyone in our town.
Mon nom est connu de tous dans mon école. My name is known to everybody in my school.
Son nom est connu de tous dans ce pays. His name is known throughout this country.
Le nom du pianiste est connu de tous. The name of the pianist is known to everybody.
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