Sentence examples of "devenu" in French with translation "become"

Translations: all317 become302 other translations15
Mon frère est devenu prêtre. My brother has become a priest.
Qu'est devenu son fils ? What has become of her son?
Mon frère est devenu ingénieur. My brother became an engineer.
L'air est devenu chaud. The air became warm.
Il est devenu un pianiste. He became a pianist.
Il est devenu financièrement indépendant. He became financially independent.
Il est devenu un acteur célèbre. He became a famous actor.
Il est devenu un héros national. He became a national hero.
L'air est devenu très lourd. The air has become really heavy.
Il est devenu un chanteur célèbre. He became a famous singer.
Ce pays est devenu une ploutocratie. This country has become a plutocracy.
Je regrette d'être devenu professeur. I regret becoming a teacher.
L'anglais est devenu une langue internationale. English has become an international language.
Dites-moi ce qu'il est devenu. Tell me what has become of him.
En vieillissant, il est devenu plus obstiné. As he grew older, he became more obstinate.
Le temps est devenu beaucoup plus chaud. It has become much warmer.
Le Japon est devenu une nation puissante. Japan has become a powerful nation.
Son fils est devenu un pianiste renommé. His son became a famous pianist.
Il est devenu un citoyen des États-Unis. He became a citizen of United States.
Il est devenu célèbre dans le monde entier. He became famous all over the world.
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