Sentence examples of "il" in French with translation "he"

Il se mit au lit. He went to bed.
Il boit trop d'alcool. He drinks to excess.
Il a démissionné sans préavis. He quit without notice.
Il marchait dans la rue. He walked along the street.
Il a retenu sa respiration. He held his breath.
Il effectua un saut périlleux. He turned a somersault.
Il ne vous comprend pas. He doesn't understand you.
Il abuse de son autorité. He abuses his authority.
Il est un célèbre compositeur. He is a famous composer.
Il demanda à ma mère. He asked my mother.
Il a déjà dit oui. He has already said yes.
Le jour suivant il partit. The next day he went away.
Il but à la source. He drank of the spring.
Il a accepté le job. He accepted the job.
Il a tendance à oublier. He is apt to forget.
Il est vraiment sans cœur. He is so heartless.
Il est amoureux d'elle. He is in love with her.
Il est un garçon japonais. He is a Japanese boy.
Il est sûr de gagner. He is sure of winning.
Il conduit sa propre voiture. He drives his own car.
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