Sentence examples of "jour" in French

Un jour, je le rencontrai. One day I met him.
Il travaille la nuit et dort le jour. He worked at night and slept in the daytime.
Sa voiture a été dérobée en plein jour. He had his car stolen in broad daylight.
Le jour suivant il partit. The next day he went away.
Il travaillait la nuit et dormait le jour. He worked at night and slept in the daytime.
Un passant innocent fut abattu en plein jour. An innocent passer-by was shot dead in broad daylight.
Chaque jour a une suite. Every day has a sequel.
Aujourd'hui, les voleurs ont attaqué une autre banque en plein jour. The thieves knocked off another bank today in a daytime robbery.
Un groupe de trois individus a dévalisé la banque en plein jour. A gang of three robbed the bank in broad daylight.
Le bébé a un jour. The baby is one day old.
Il y a des gens qui dorment le jour et travaillent la nuit. There are some people who sleep in the daytime and work at night.
C'est un jour venteux. It's a windy day.
Tu viens ici chaque jour ? Do you come here every day?
Je gagne 100€ par jour. I make €100 a day.
Elle travaille nuit et jour. She is working night and day.
C'est un jour ensoleillé. It's a sunny day.
Chaque chien a son jour. Every dog has his day.
Je vais nager chaque jour. I'm going to swim every day.
Demain est un autre jour. Tomorrow is another day.
Les prix augmentent chaque jour. Prices are going up every day.
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