Sentence examples of "lit" in French with translation "read"

Il lit rarement, sinon jamais. He seldom, if ever, reads a book.
Il lit volontiers des livres. He likes to read books.
Ma mère lit un magazine. My mother is reading a magazine.
On ne lit pas en mangeant. You must not read while eating.
Elle lit le journal chaque matin. She reads the newspaper every morning.
Il ne lit guère de journaux. He doesn't read many newspapers.
Il lit toujours des bandes dessinées. He's always reading comics.
Il lit le journal tous les matins. He reads the paper every morning.
La fille lit avec son grand-père. The girl is reading with her grandfather.
Il lit un livre écrit en anglais. He read a book written in English.
Il lit l'article encore et encore. He read the article over and over again.
Il lit un livre. Laissons-le tranquille. He is reading a book. Let's leave him alone.
Le gosse qui lit un livre est John. The boy reading a book is John.
Une femme lit un livre à la bibliothèque. A woman is reading a book in the library.
Il lit souvent jusque tard dans la nuit. He often reads far into the night.
Tom ne lit pas de livre en français. Tom doesn't read books in French.
Mon père lit le journal tous les matins. My father reads the newspaper every morning.
Il lit au moins dix livres par mois. He reads ten books a month at least.
Il lit le journal pour suivre l'actualité. He reads the newspaper in order to keep up with the times.
Maman, peux-tu me lire une histoire au lit ? Mom, could you read me a bedtime story?
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