Sentence examples of "remettre" in French

Cela prendra-t-il du temps de se remettre ? Will it take long to recover?
Il ne faut pas remettre à demain ce que l'on peut faire aujourd'hui Never put off till tomorrow what can be done today
Le patient va bientôt se remettre de sa maladie. The patient will soon recover from his illness.
Ça lui a demandé plusieurs semaines pour se remettre du choc. It took him several weeks to recover from the shock.
Ça lui prendra du temps de se remettre de ses blessures. It will take time for him to recover from his wounds.
Laissez-moi remettre ma décision. Let me put off my decision.
Remettre en forme après lavage. Pull into shape after washing.
J'ai dû remettre la fête. I had to call off the party.
Veuillez remettre vos devoirs pour demain. Please turn in your homework by tomorrow.
Je proposai de remettre la réunion. I suggested that the meeting be put off.
Tu dois remettre les rapports lundi. You have to turn in the reports on Monday.
Remettre à plus tard est un art. Procrastinating is an art.
Il a dû se remettre de son rhume. He must have gotten over his cold.
Nous devons remettre la partie à dimanche prochain. We have to put off the game till next Sunday.
Le ministre a fini par remettre sa démission. The cabinet minister ended up submitting his resignation.
Veuillez le remettre à sa place, je vous prie. Please put it back in its place.
Nous avons dû remettre la réunion à plus tard. We had to put off the meeting.
Assurez-vous de revoir votre papier avant de le remettre. Be sure to look over your paper again before you hand it in.
Assure-toi de revoir ta copie avant de la remettre. Be sure to look over your paper again before you hand it in.
Le temps est écoulé. Veuillez remettre vos copies d'examen. Time's up. Please pass in your exams.
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