Sentence examples of "s'acquitter de ses dettes" in French

Il a utilisé l'argent pour payer ses dettes. He applied the money to the payment of debts.
Il était énervé par le meurtre de ses camarades. He was angered by the murder of their comrades.
En bref, il s'est enfui sans payer ses dettes. In short, he's run off without paying off his debt.
Il est inquiet pour la santé de ses parents. He is concerned about his parent's health.
Ses dettes s'amoncelaient. His debts were piling up.
Elle est fière de ses fils. She is proud of her sons.
Bon, il semble qu'il ait réglé ses dettes, mais par quel miracle a-t-il pu rassembler une telle somme d'argent ? Well, it seems he's paid off his debts, but how on Earth did he arrange that amount of money?
Le Sénat ordonna qu'un nouveau Consul soit choisi et que le pays soit libéré de ses ennemis. The Senate decreed that a new consul be chosen and the country be delivered from the enemies.
Il a payé toutes ses dettes, ce qui prouve son honnêteté. He paid all his debts, which is the proof of his honesty.
As-tu eu de ses nouvelles ? Have you heard from him?
Qui perd ses dettes s'enrichit. He who sheds his debts becomes wealthier.
Après la mort de ses parents, ses grand-parents l'éduquèrent. After the death of her parents, her grandparents took to her education.
Ses dettes s'élèvent à une somme considérable. His debts amount to a considerable sum.
Tom est aimé de ses amis. Tom is liked by his friends.
Ses dettes montent à deux millions de dollars. His debts amount to two million dollars.
Il s'isole toujours de ses collègues de travail. He is always isolated from his fellow workers.
La fille est adroite de ses doigts. The girl is skillful with her fingers.
Les lois d'un pays incarnent l'esprit de ses habitants. The laws of a land embody the spirit of its people.
Elle effaça les larmes du garçon de ses baisers. She kissed away the boy's tears.
Il est très intéressé par l'Histoire du Japon. Nous sommes surpris par l'étendue de ses connaissances sur le sujet. He is very much interested in Japanese history. We are surprised at his vast knowledge of the subject.
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