Sentence examples of "surpris" in French with translation "surprise"

Son silence m'a surpris. Her silence surprised me.
J'étais un peu surpris. I was a little surprised.
Pourquoi devrais-tu être surpris ? Why should you be surprised?
Il a été également surpris. He was surprised too.
Ses mots m'ont surpris. His words surprised me.
J'ai été agréablement surpris. I was agreeably surprised.
Je suis surpris de ton comportement. I'm surprised at your behavior.
Sa mort nous a tous surpris. His death surprised us all.
Il fut surpris d'apprendre ça. He was surprised to learn this.
Je fus surpris par sa persévérance. I was surprised by his perseverance.
Cela a surpris de nombreuses personnes. This surprised many people.
Je fus surpris et devins triste. I was surprised and became sad.
Tu as surpris tout le monde. You surprised everybody.
Il fut surpris de l'apprendre. He was surprised to learn this.
Nous fûmes surpris par son comportement. We were surprised at his conduct.
Je suis surpris d'apprendre ça. I am surprised to learn this.
Je suis surpris de te voir. I'm surprised to see you.
Je ne suis absolument pas surpris. I am not in the least surprised.
Il fut surpris par la nouvelle. He was surprised by the news.
Notre professeur avait l'air surpris. Our teacher seemed surprised.
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