Sentence examples of "genauer" in German with translation "exactly"

Wo genau gehst du hin? Where are you going exactly?
Was ist da genau passiert? What exactly happened there?
Ich erinnere mich nicht genau. I don't remember exactly.
Das war genau ihre Absicht. That was exactly what she intended.
Ich weiß es noch nicht genau. I don't know exactly yet.
Was genau versuchen Sie zu sagen? Just what exactly are you trying to say?
Er beschrieb genau, was passiert war. He described exactly what happened.
Ich weiß nicht genau, wann ich zurückkomme. I don't know exactly when I'll be back.
Das ist genau das, was sie wollte. That's exactly what she wanted.
Das ist genau das, was er wollte. That's exactly what he wanted.
Das Flugzeug ist genau um zehn Uhr abgeflogen. The plane took off at exactly ten o'clock.
Weißt du genau, wo Hannibal die Alpen querte? Do you know where exactly Hannibal crossed the Alps?
Weißt du, wo genau Hannibal die Alpen überquerte? Do you know where exactly Hannibal crossed the Alps?
Er tat genau was ich ihm gesagt hatte. He did exactly as I had told him.
Der Flugzeug flog genau um zehn Uhr ab. The plane took off at exactly ten o'clock.
Sie weiß genau, wie man ihn zum Orgasmus bringt. She knows exactly how to make him come.
Tom erinnert sich nicht mehr genau, was passiert ist. Tom doesn't remember exactly what happened.
Du musst genau das tun, was ich dir sage. You must do exactly what I tell you.
Alles war genau so, wie ich es mir vorgestellt hatte. Everything was as exactly as I had thought it would be.
Das ist nicht genau das, was ich mir vorgestellt hatte. That's not exactly what I had in mind.
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