Sentence examples of "fosse" in Italian with translation "be"

Pensavo che lui fosse qui. I thought he was here.
Non credevo fosse così timido. I did not think he was so timid.
Se fosse vero, cosa faresti? Suppose it were true, what would you do?
Parla come se fosse ricco. He talks as if he were rich.
Vorrei che oggi fosse venerdì. I wish today were Friday.
Si comportava come se fosse pazzo. He behaved as if he were crazy.
Vorrei che lui fosse qui ora. I wish he were here now.
Vorrei che lei fosse viva ora. I wish she were alive now.
Vorrei che lei fosse più puntuale. I'd like you to be more punctual.
Parla come se fosse un insegnante. He talks as if he were a teacher.
La gente pensò che fosse morta. People believed her to be dead.
Nonostante fosse molto freddo, sono uscito. Even though it was very cold, I went out.
Parla giapponese come se fosse giapponese. He speaks Japanese as if he were Japanese.
Pare che fosse povero da giovane. He seems to have been poor when he was young.
Inizialmente pensavo che fosse tuo fratello. At first, I thought he was your brother.
Vive come se fosse un milionario. He lives as if he were a millionaire.
Sebbene fosse stanca, ha continuato a lavorare. Though she was tired, she kept on working.
Cosa direbbe se fosse al mio posto? What would you say if you were in my place?
Nonostante fosse molto freddo, sono andata fuori. Even though it was very cold, I went out.
Fosse stato libero, sarebbe andato a pescare. If he had been free, he would have gone fishing.
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