Sentence examples of "Branca de Neve" in Portuguese

Eu gosto de chuva e de neve. I like the rain and the snow.
O chão esta coberto de neve. The ground is covered with snow.
A montanha estava coberta de neve. The mountain was covered with snow.
Quem fez o boneco de neve? Who built the snowman?
A montanha está coberta de neve. The mountain is covered with snow.
O carro saiu da estrada porque a pista estava coberta de neve. The car went off the road due to snowfall covering the lane.
Na manhã seguinte, o boneco de neve derretera completamente. The next morning, the snowman had completely melted.
A tempestade de neve encobriu a vista. The snowstorm blotted out the view.
A cidade estava coberta de neve. The city was covered in snow.
Nesse inverno o recorde de queda de neve foi quebrado. This winter the record for snowfall was broken.
Minha irmãzinha pintou a figura de um homem de neve. My little sister painted a picture of a snowman.
A parte superior da montanha está coberta de neve. The upper part of the mountain is covered with snow.
Por que a neve é branca? Why is snow white?
Temos muita neve no inverno. We have a lot of snow in the winter.
A areia da praia era branca. The sand on the beach was white.
Odeio neve e carnaval. I hate snow and the carnival.
O primeiro ministro visitou formalmente a Casa Branca. The prime minister paid a formal visit to the White House.
Não temos muita neve aqui mesmo no inverno. We don't have much snow here even in the winter.
A bandeira francesa é azul, branca e vermelha. The French flag is blue, white and red.
Julgando pela aparência do céu, podemos ter neve amanhã. Judging from the look of the sky, we may have snow tomorrow.
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