Sentence examples of "Добавлено" in Russian with translation "add"
throw in18
toss in2
tack on2
top up1
squeeze in1
come on top of1
bring in1
other translations21
Добавлено setUserID и updateUserProperties в FBAppEventsLogger.
Added setUserID and updateUserProperties to FBAppEventsLogger.
Добавлено setUserID: и updateUserProperties: в FBSDKAppEvents.
Added setUserID: and updateUserProperties: to FBSDKAppEvents.
Добавлено событие Webhook до оформления заказа для платежей
Added pre-checkout webhook event for payments
К текущим потребительским расходам было добавлено очень мало.
Very little was added to current spending.
Добавлено FBSDKShareLinkContent.quote для поддержки публикации цитат из ссылки.
Added FBSDKShareLinkContent.quote to support sharing quotes from a link.
В течение первого месяца в проект добавлено всего 200 человекочасов.
During the first month, a total of 200 worker hours are added to the project.
Дополнительное время будет автоматически добавлено к оставшемуся сроку текущей подписки.
The additional time will be automatically added to the remaining time on your existing subscription.
Если изображение не добавлено, вверху экрана нажмите Добавить оформление канала.
New channel art: Near the top of the screen, click Add channel art.
Добавлено FBSDKShareVideo.previewPhoto для предоставления фото, которое будет представлять видео.
Added FBSDKShareVideo.previewPhoto to provide a photo to represent the video.
Повторно добавлено полное руководство, которое теперь разбито на несколько разделов.
Re-added the Complete Guide which has now been broken up into multiple sections.
Examples of word usage in different contexts are provided solely for linguistic purposes, i.e. to study word usage in a sentence in one language and how they can be translated into another. All samples are automatically collected from a variety of publicly available open sources using bilingual search technologies.
If you find a spelling, punctuation or any other error in the original or translation, use the "Report a problem" option or write to us.
If you find a spelling, punctuation or any other error in the original or translation, use the "Report a problem" option or write to us.
In this section, you can see how words and expressions are used in different contexts using examples of translations made by professionals. The Contexts section will help you learn English, German, Spanish and other languages. Here you can find examples with phrasal verbs and idioms in texts that vary in style and theme. Examples can be sorted by translations and topics.
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