Sentence examples of "стала" in Russian with translation "become"

После революции Франция стала республикой. After the revolution, France became a republic.
А потому демократия стала неотъемлемой. And therefore democracy has become embedded.
Позже я сама стала депрограммером. And I then became a deprogrammer.
Ты стала для меня всем You became everything for me
Как ты стала судебным секретарем? How did you become a court reporter?
Титульная страница стала нашей фишкой. The front page became our signature.
История Европы стала историей Америки. Europe's story became America's story.
Вот как я стала врачом. That's why I became a doctor.
Она буквально стала заместителем мэра. She has literally become deputy mayor.
Вот так я стала предпринимателем". And that's really how I became an entrepreneur."
"О", стала прекрасной и образованной. Oo became very beautiful and cultured.
Она стала предметом всеобщего восхищения. She became an object of universal admiration.
Она стала такой тихоней, верно? My, she's becoming a quiet child, isn't she?
Его непопулярность стала их непопулярностью. His unpopularity has become their unpopularity.
Бедность стала настоящим национальным бедствием. Poverty became endemic.
Работа полиции стала более эффективной. Police work became more efficient.
Американская мечта стала мировым кошмаром. The American Dream became the world’s nightmare.
Моя жизнь стала такой беспокойной. My life has become so hectic.
Железная окалина стала оксидом железа. Astringent mars saffron became iron oxide.
Аргентина стала страной без цели. Argentina has become a country without direction.
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