Sentence examples of "A menudo" in Spanish with translation "often"

Yo le veo a menudo. I often see him.
Él se enamora a menudo. He often falls in love.
Comemos pescado crudo a menudo. We often eat fish raw.
A menudo toca la guitarra. He often plays the guitar.
A menudo jugamos al ajedrez. We often play chess.
A menudo estoy medio dormido. I'm often half-asleep.
¿Vienes por aquí a menudo? Do you come here often?
Él desayuna allí a menudo. He often eats breakfast there.
¿Oyes de ella a menudo? Do you hear from her often?
¿Vas a comprar a menudo? Do you often go shopping?
He estado aquí a menudo. I have often been here.
Pienso en ella a menudo. I think about her often.
A menudo te oímos cantar. We often hear you sing.
A menudo he estado ahí. I have often been there.
A menudo hace pregunta tontas. He often asks silly questions.
A menudo estoy medio dormida. I'm often half-asleep.
Juego al voleibol a menudo. I play volleyball often.
La llamo muy a menudo. I call her very often.
Mi hermana llora a menudo. My sister often cries.
Tom baja películas a menudo. Tom often downloads movies.
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