Sentence examples of "Contra" in Spanish

No vayas contra sus deseos. Don't go against his wishes.
El coche se estrelló contra la pared. The car crashed into the wall.
Los otros policías empezaron a disparar contra la multitud. The other policemen began shooting at the crowd.
Estás conmigo o contra mí. You're either with me or you're against me.
Su coche se estrelló contra un árbol. His car ran into a tree.
No vio la señal de stop en la intersección y chocó contra un auto que venía. He failed to see the stop sign at the intersection and hit an oncoming car.
Yo estoy contra esa resolución. I'm against that resolution.
Los coches chocaron el uno contra el otro. The cars crashed into each other.
Una vez, cuando fui a la casa de mi amigo Kawai, éste disparó una pistola. Pensó que no estaba cargada y me apuntó a la boca, pero lo estaba y la bala rozó mi oreja antes de impactar contra el armario. Once, when I went to my friend Kawai's house, he fired a pistol. He thought it was not loaded and pointed it at my mouth, but it was and the bullet grazed my ear before hitting the closet.
Eso esta contra el contrato. That's against the contract.
Tom sabe quién chocó contra el coche de Mary. Tom knows who crashed into Mary's car.
Eso va contra las reglas. It's against the rules.
El camión de combustible se estrelló contra la puerta y estalló. The gasoline truck ran into the gate and blew up.
Está con nosotros o contra nosotros. You are either with us, or against us.
Oliver chocó el auto de sus padres contra un árbol porque estaba distraído con sus amigos. Oliver crashed his parents car into a tree because he was distracted by his friends.
Tom se apoyó contra la pared. Tom leaned against the wall.
Oliver estrelló el coche de Tom y Mary contra un árbol porque sus amigos lo distrajeron. Oliver crashed Tom and Mary's car into a tree because he was distracted by his friends.
Los seguros protegen contra apuros imprevistos. Insurance protects against unforeseen predicaments.
La evidencia estaba en mi contra. The evidence was against me.
Tom está en contra de fumar. Tom is against smoking.
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