Sentence examples of "Dentro de poco" in Spanish

Va a llover dentro de poco. It is going to rain soon.
Ella volverá dentro de poco. She will come back before long.
El alcalde anunciará dentro de poco su decisión de abdicar. The mayor will shortly announce his decision to resign.
Se está nublando. Puede que llueva dentro de poco. It's getting cloudy. It may rain soon.
Estarás llorando dentro de poco. You'll be crying before long.
Muchos mineros temen que la mina se cierre dentro de poco. Many miners are afraid that the mine will be closed down soon.
Espero con ganas a verte dentro de poco. I'm looking forward to seeing you again before long.
Dentro de poco, nuevos soldados remplazarán a los que cayeron en combate. New soldiers would soon take the place of those lost in battle.
Dentro de poco el mundo se quedará sin alimento. It will not be long before the world runs short of food.
Ella empezó de poco a poco a entender. She gradually began to understand.
Si fuera un cerebro dentro de un tanque, no escribiría esto. If I were a brain in a vat, I wouldn't write this.
Se está oscureciendo de poco a poco afuera. It's getting dark little by little outside.
Fuera de un perro, un libro es el mejor amigo del hombre. Dentro de un perro está demasiado oscuro para leer. Outside of a dog, a book is man's best friend. Inside of a dog, it's too dark to read.
Esta planta creció de poco a poco. This plant grew little by little.
Es el animal dentro de mí que lo quiere. It's the animal in me that wants it.
Ella se recupera de poco a poco. She is getting better by degrees.
Hay pájaros cantando dentro de la jaula, ¿no? There are birds singing in the cage, aren't there?
Es de poco valor. It is of little value.
Volverá dentro de 3 horas. He will return within 3 hours.
Su salud va mejorando de poco a poco. His health is improving little by little.
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