Sentence examples of "Di" in Spanish with translation "give"

Yo les di mi vida. I gave you my life.
Le di algunos consejos útiles. I gave him some helpful advice.
¿No te di algo de dinero? Didn't I give you some money?
Como amigo, le di mi opinión. As the friend, I gave an opinion.
Le di la leche al gato. I gave the milk to the cat.
Le di un reloj de oro. I gave him a gold watch.
Se lo di a mi mamá. I gave it to my mommy.
Le di todo el dinero que tenía. I gave her all the money I had.
Yo di el agua a los perros. I gave some water to the dogs.
Sí, ella quería. Le di tu cuaderno. Yes, she wanted. I gave her your notebook.
Le di mis libros a esa gente. I gave my books to those people.
Le di toda la comida que quiso. I gave him as much food as he wanted.
Le di un comic para que lea. I gave her a comic book to read.
Le di mi asiento a la dama mayor. I gave my seat to the old lady.
Di por sentado que me darían un recibo. I took for granted that they would give me a receipt.
Le di la poca información que yo tenía. I gave him what little information I had.
Le di al perro dos pedazos de carne. I gave the dog two pieces of meat.
Di tres lápices a cada uno de ellos. I gave three pencils to each of them.
Te di instrucciones explícitas de que no tocaras nada. I gave you explicit instructions not to touch anything.
Amenazaron con matarme, así que les di la cartera. They threatened to kill me so I gave them up my wallet.
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