Sentence examples of "Di" in Spanish

Di hola a tus amigos. Say hello to your friends.
Yo les di mi vida. I gave you my life.
Me acuerdo que le di esa noticia. I remember telling her that news.
Di por supuesto que acudirías a la reunión. I took it for granted that you would attend the meeting.
"No mientas" no significa necesariamente "di la verdad". "Don't lie" doesn't necessarily means "tell the truth".
Le di un golpe en la oreja. I dealt him a blow on the ear.
Entré en la habitación y le di la mano. I entered the room and shook hands with him.
Di la verdad aunque te tiemble la voz. Speak the truth, even if your voice shakes.
Di a luz a gemelos idénticos. I delivered identical twins.
Por favor, di hola a tus padres. Please say hello to your parents.
Le di algunos consejos útiles. I gave him some helpful advice.
Cuando quieras engañar al mundo, di la verdad. When you want to fool the world, tell the truth.
Tan sólo al encontrarlo me di cuenta de su verdadera intención. It was only when I met him that I realized his true intention.
Sólo entonces me di cuenta de a qué se refería. Only then did I realize what he meant.
Me di cuenta de que no quería pasar ni un sólo momento más manejando ese problema. I realized that I didn't want to spend any more time dealing with that problem.
Estate callado, o di algo que merezca la pena que oiga. Be silent, or speak something worth hearing.
Sé quien eres y di lo que sientes, porque a los que les importa no importan y a los que importan no les importa. Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.
¿No te di algo de dinero? Didn't I give you some money?
Aunque nadie la entienda, di siempre la verdad. Although no one understands, I always tell the truth.
Poco a poco me di cuenta del verdadero significado de lo que dijo. Gradually the true meaning of what he said began to dawn on me.
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