Sentence examples of "Dije" in Spanish with translation "tell"

Te dije que era rubia. I told you that she was blonde.
¿Acaso no te lo dije? Didn't I tell you so?
Le dije que estaba equivocado. I told him that he was wrong.
Te dije que no funcionaría. I told you it wouldn't work.
Hizo lo que le dije. He did as I told him.
Nunca le dije que la amaba. Never did I tell her that I loved her.
Le dije que no tirara piedras. I told him not to throw stones.
Le dije que no se fuera. I told her not to go.
Le dije que saliera del cuarto. I told him to clear out of the room.
Les dije que no se movieran. I told them they shouldn't move.
Te lo dije hace un rato. I told you before!
Eso es lo que les dije. That's what I told them.
Eso es lo que le dije. That's what I told her.
Te lo dije, pero no hiciste caso. I told you, but you didn't pay attention.
Les dije que me mandaran otro boleto. I told them to send me another ticket.
Le dije que haría lo que pudiera. I told him that I would do my best.
Le dije al policía lo que sabía. I told the policeman what I knew.
Le dije que saliera de la sala. I told him to leave the room.
Ya le dije que no está aquí. I already told you that she isn't here.
Les dije que me enviaran otro ticket. I told them to send me another ticket.
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