Sentence examples of "Me acuesto" in Spanish

Me acuesto a las 11. I go to bed at eleven.
Me acuesto en mi cama. I lay on my bed.
Normalmente me acuesto a las diez. I usually go to bed at ten.
Me acuesto a las diez y media. I go to bed at 10.30.
Suele acostarse a las nueve. She usually goes to bed at nine.
Tom se acostó boca arriba. Tom lay on his back.
Quite su camisa y acuéstese. Remove your shirt and lie down.
Se acostó en la cama. He laid himself on the bed.
¿A qué hora sueles acostarte? What time do you usually go to bed?
Tom esta acostado en el sofá viendo TV. Tom is lying on the sofa watching TV.
Ella se acostó en la cama. She lay down on the bed.
Apenas se había acostado cuando cayó dormido. He had hardly got into bed when he fell asleep.
Te acuestas a las once. You go to bed at eleven o'clock.
Estaba acostado en un sofá con los ojos cerrados. He lay on a sofa, with his eyes closed.
Quien con niños se acuesta, cagado amanece If you lie down with dogs, you'll get up with fleas
Todo el camelo fue un ardid para acostarse con ella. All the sweet talk was just a ruse to get her into bed.
Me he acostumbrado a acostarme temprano. I've got used to going to bed early.
A menudo se acuesta en la cama y lee. He often lies on the bed and reads.
Quien con ninos se acuesta, cagado se levanta If you lie down with dogs, you'll get up with fleas
Todos me recomiendan que me quede acostado, pero yo quiero salir y disfrutar. Everyone suggest me to stay in bed, but I want to go out and enjoy.
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