Sentence examples of "Repentinamente" in Spanish

Una mujer se levantó repentinamente. Suddenly, a young woman stood up.
Repentinamente sentí un agudo dolor en mi estómago. I felt a sharp pain in my stomach all of a sudden.
Repentinamente empecé a ganar peso. I've suddenly started to gain weight.
Al verme, repentinamente dejaron de hablar. Seeing me, they suddenly stopped talking.
Repentinamente comprendimos lo que estaba pasando. We suddenly realized what was happening.
Repentinamente notó que le faltaba su billetera. He suddenly noticed his wallet was missing.
Tom fue repentinamente abrumado por el miedo. Tom was suddenly overcome by fear.
Repentinamente, un hombre se puso frente a ellos. Suddenly, a man stepped in front of them.
Un oso apareció repentinamente en frente de nosotros. Suddenly a bear appeared before us.
Repentinamente vi a una liebre correr por el campo. All of a sudden, I saw a hare running across the field.
El volcán hizo erupción repentinamente, matando a muchas personas. The volcano erupted suddenly killing many people.
Por favor discúlpame mi ofensa al repentinamente enviarte una carta tan extraña. Please forgive my impoliteness in sending you suddenly such a strange letter.
Cuando te encuentras repentinamente en una situación peligrosa, controla el pánico, decide que debes hacer y entonces, hazlo. When suddenly faced with a dangerous situation, hold your horses - make sure of the proper action, then act.
Mi hermano murió repentinamente hace dos años atrás. Desde entonces, mi cuñada por sí sola a mantenido valerosamente la pequeña joyería que mi hermano dejó atrás. My brother died suddenly two years ago. Since then, my sister-in-law has valiantly kept the small jewelery store he left her going.
La gente lamentó profundamente su repentina muerte. People regretted his sudden death deeply.
Su repentina aparición nos sorprendió a todos. His sudden appearance surprised us all.
Hubo un cambio repentino en el tiempo. There was a sudden change in the weather.
Me sorprendió la noticia de su muerte repentina. I was surprised at the news of his sudden death.
La repentina muerte de su hermano los sorprendió. The sudden death of his brother surprised them.
Nos sorprendió mucho la noticia de su repentina muerte. We were greatly surprised at the news of his sudden death.
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