Sentence examples of "Tomaron" in Spanish

Ellos tomaron comida y vestiduras. They took food and clothing.
Ellos se tomaron un descanso por un rato. They had a rest for a while.
Se tomaron dos botellas de vino. They drank two bottles of wine.
A finales de agosto, las fuerzas aliadas tomaron París. In late August, the Allied forces captured Paris.
Todos tomaron parte en las negociaciones. All took part in the negotiations.
Tomaron té con limón, debido a su persistente tos, que él endulzó con ese terrón y medio de azúcar, según su costumbre. They drank tea with lemon, for his nagging cough, with his usual lump and a half of sugar.
Las noticias nos tomaron por sorpresa. The news took us by surprise.
Los rebeldes tomaron control de la capital. The rebels took control of the capital.
Ellos se lo tomaron por la fuerza. They took it by force.
Ellos no tomaron parte en la revolución social. They took no part in the social revolution.
Me tomaron una muestra de sangre en el hospital. They took a sample of my blood at the hospital.
Creo que casi todos ellos tomaron parte en el complot. I think most of them took part in the plot.
Hasta los expertos tomaron la pintura por un Rembrandt genuino. Even the experts took the painting for a genuine Rembrandt.
No lo tomes tan literalmente. Don't take that too literally.
¿Cuántos kebabs vas a tomar? How many kebabs will you have?
No te tomes la témpera. Don't drink the tempera.
Me gusta tomar sopa caliente. I like to eat hot soup.
Tom tuvo que tomar un taxi. Tom had to catch a taxi.
Las primeras fotos de la Tierra tomadas desde el espacio exterior capturaron la imaginación de toda una generación. The first photos of the Earth taken from outer space captured the imagination of an entire generation.
El presidente y su secretaria hablaron tomando café. The president and the secretary talked over a cup of coffee.
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