Sentence examples of "Vete" in Spanish

¡Vete a tu cuarto ahora! Go to your room now!
Si estás cansado, vete a dormir. If you are tired, go to bed.
Vete a despertar a Mary. Go and wake Mary up.
Si estás cansada, vete a la cama. If you are tired, go to bed.
Ahora vete a pasarlo bien. Now, go have a good time.
Vete de una vez, o vas a llegar tarde al colegio. Go at once, or you will be late for school.
Mejor vete a casa ya. You had better go back home now.
¡Vete a tu habitación ya! Go to your room now!
Recoge tus cosas y vete. Pick up your things and go away.
Vete a buscar a Tom. Go find Tom.
Mejor vete. Se está haciendo tarde. You'd better go. It's getting late.
¡Vete a tu habitación ahora mismo! Go to your room now!
Vete antes de que te vean. Go away before they see you here.
Por favor vete y deja de molestarme. Please go away and stop annoying me.
Por favor vete y para de fastidiarme. Please go away and stop annoying me.
¡La rata está aquí! ¡Vete a llamar al gato! The rat's here! Go call the cat!
Vete con tus padres a la iglesia y reza por ella. Go to church with your parents and pray for her.
Tienes que encontrar mi pavo o pagármelo. Vete y búscalo por los alrededores, no puede haberse ido muy lejos. You have to find my turkey or pay for it. Go and search the surroundings, it can't have gotten far.
Se ha ido a América. He has gone to America.
Qué bella es esta vista. How wonderful this sight is.
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