Sentence examples of "a pesar de" in Spanish

A pesar de mis órdenes, no vinieron. They didn't come in spite of my orders.
Vino a pesar de la gran nevada. He came, despite the heavy snowfall.
Lo amo a pesar de sus defectos. I love him none the less for his faults.
Persistimos a pesar de todos los problemas. We hung on in spite of all the troubles.
Seguimos adelante a pesar de los obstáculos. We pushed ahead despite the obstacles.
A pesar de toda su riqueza no es feliz. For all her riches, she's not happy.
Llegó a tiempo a pesar de la lluvia. He arrived on time in spite of the rain.
A pesar de sus riquezas, él no está contento. Despite his riches, he's not contented.
A pesar de su riqueza y su fama, él es infeliz. For all his wealth and fame, he is unhappy.
María continuó trabajando a pesar de su enfermedad. Mary kept on working in spite of her illness.
A pesar de su fama, él no es feliz. Despite his fame, he is not happy.
A pesar de su riqueza y fama él no es feliz. For all his wealth and fame, he is unhappy.
A pesar de nuestro apoyo, decidió tirar la toalla. In spite of our encouragement he decided to throw in the towel.
A pesar de la adversidad, el arquitecto consiguió fama mundial. Despite adversity, the architect achieved worldwide fame.
A pesar de todos nuestros esfuerzos, las cosas no se han mejorado. For all our efforts, things have not turned out better.
A pesar de mi consejo, no cambiará de opinión. He will not change his mind in spite of my advice.
A pesar de su poca edad, hizo un buen trabajo. Despite his young age, he did a very good job.
No hablo bien inglés a pesar de haberlo estudiado durante seis años en el colegio. I don't speak English well even though I took it for six years at school.
No era feliz a pesar de toda su fortuna. He wasn't happy in spite of all his wealth.
A pesar de nuestros esfuerzos, fracasamos al fin y al cabo. Despite our efforts, we failed after all.
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