Sentence examples of "al principio de" in Spanish

El autor escribió algunos bellos poemas al principio de su libro. The author wrote some beautiful poems in the beginning of his book.
Una demostración formal del principio de Peter daría un golpe a las estructuras corporativistas de muchos países. A formal demonstration of Peter's principle would be a hit to the corporativist structures of many countries.
Al principio él no me gustaba, pero ahora sí. At first I did not like him, but now I do.
Hay una mujer en el principio de todos estos grandes éxitos. There is a woman at the origin of all great achievements.
Al principio habrá muchas palabras y formas gramaticales desconocidas, pero no tienes que temer. At first there will be many unfamiliar words and grammatical forms, but you don't have to be afraid.
Al principio nadie me creyó. No one believed me at first.
No temas, al principio puede parecer intimidante, pero él es realmente una persona muy amigable. Don't worry. He may look intimidating at first glance, but he's actually a very friendly person.
La idea parecía absurda al principio. The idea seemed absurd at first.
Catilina, al principio, no tenía más de dos mil soldados. In the beginning, Catalina had no more than two thousand soldiers.
Al principio no le creí. I didn't believe him at first.
Al principio será duro, pero todo es duro al principio. At the beginning it'll be tough, but everything's tough at the beginning.
Al principio, todos estaban convencidos de su inocencia. At first, they were all convinced he was innocent.
Al principio no le gustaba. She didn't like him at first.
Al principio no sabía bien cuál quería, pero al final cogí el rojo. At first I was not sure which one I wanted, but afterwards I decided on this red one.
Estaba nervioso al principio pero gradualmente me fui relajando. I was nervous at first, but gradually got more relaxed.
A ella no le gustaba ese caballo al principio. She didn't like the horse at first.
Nos referimos al principio más general de toda la física clásica, el de la conservación de la energía. We are referring to the most general principle in all classical physics, that of conservation of energy.
Al principio él era tímido. He was shy at the beginning.
Al principio puede ser confuso. It can be confusing at first.
Él estaba con Dios al principio. He was with God in the beginning.
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