Sentence examples of "bastante" in Spanish with translation "quite"

Pero te entiendo bastante bien. But I understand you quite well.
Estoy bastante seguro de eso. I'm quite sure of that.
Esta casa es bastante pequeña. This house is quite small.
Se ha vuelto bastante otoñal. It has become quite autumnal.
Obsérvale: debe ser bastante mayor. Look at him: he must be quite old.
Sus ideas son bastante originales. Her ideas are quite original.
Es un número bastante grande. It is quite a big number.
Este sitio web parece bastante bueno. This website seems quite good.
Tom puede jugar tenis bastante bien. Tom can play tennis quite well.
Tom sabe bastante acerca de Mary. Tom knows quite a lot about Mary.
Él es un hombre bastante listo. He is quite a clever man.
Tom es un niño bastante travieso. Tom is quite a mischievous child.
Hoy tuve un día bastante ocupado. I had quite a busy day today.
Es realmente una historia bastante buena. It is really quite a good story.
Es bastante natural en él pensar así. It's quite natural for him to think so.
Me siento bastante a gusto entre desconocidos. I feel quite at ease among strangers.
Empezó a quedarse calvo siendo bastante joven. He started going bald quite young.
Él está bastante satisfecho con el resultado. He is quite satisfied with the result.
Se acostumbraron uno al otro bastante pronto. They soon became quite accustomed to each other.
Estoy bastante de acuerdo con tu propuesta. I quite agree to your proposal.
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