Sentence examples of "caso" in Spanish with translation "marry"

Los hombres y las mujeres, a partir de la edad núbil, tienen derecho, sin restricción alguna por motivos de raza, nacionalidad o religión, a casarse y fundar una familia, y disfrutarán de iguales derechos en cuanto al matrimonio, durante el matrimonio y en caso de disolución del matrimonio. Men and women of full age, without any limitation due to race, nationality or religion, have the right to marry and to found a family. They are entitled to equal rights as to marriage, during marriage and at its dissolution.
No te cases. ¡Sé feliz! Don't marry. Be happy!
Romeo se casa con Julieta. Romeo marries Juliet.
Me casé hace diez años. I've got married ten years ago.
Me casé hace 8 años. I got married 8 years ago.
Me quiero casar con Martina. I want to marry Martyna.
Tom se acaba de casar. Tom just got married.
No nos vamos a casar. We're not getting married.
Su hija mayor está casada. Her older daughter is married.
"Ya estoy casada", contestó Mary. "I’m already married", replied Mary.
Me pregunto si estará casada. I wonder if she is married.
Estaba casada con un millonario. She was married to a rich man.
John estaba casada con Jane. John was married to Jane.
Me pregunto si está casado. I wonder if he is married.
Tom nunca ha estado casado. Tom has never been married.
Estoy casado con una polaca. I am married to a Polish woman.
¿Cuánto llevas casado con Jane? How long have you and Jane been married?
Somos una pareja de casados. We're a married couple.
Siguieron casados por sus hijos. They stayed married for the sake of their children.
Ellos llevan diez años casados. They have been married for ten years.
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