Sentence examples of "como" in Spanish with translation "as"

Ven tan pronto como puedas. Come as soon as you can.
Ella es bella como Blancanieves. She is as beautiful as Snow White.
Ella fue contratada como interprete. She was engaged as an interpreter.
Gracias por agregarme como amigo. Thanks for adding me as a friend.
Caminamos tanto como 6 kilómetros. We walked as far as 6 kilometers.
Como estás arrepentido, te perdono. As you are sorry, I'll forgive you.
Ella es famosa como cantante. She is famous as a singer.
Yo trabajo tanto como tú. I work as much as you.
Levántate tan pronto como puedas. Get up as early as you can.
Hazlo como se te dice. Do it as you are told.
Lo hizo como le dijeron. He did it as he had been told.
Vive como si fuera millonario. He lives as if he were a millionaire.
Soy tan alta como Tom. I'm as tall as Tom.
Puedes quedarte tanto como quieras. You can stay as long as you like.
Tal como se pronosticó, nevó. It snowed as was forecast.
Corrí tan rápido como pude. I ran as fast as I could.
Salta tan alto como puedas. Jump as high as you can.
Te ama tanto como yo. He loves you as much as I do.
Eligieron a Pedro como capitán. They chose Peter as captain.
Hazlo tan pronto como puedas. Get it done as soon as possible.
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