Sentence examples of "dados" in Spanish with translation "say"

¿Te apetece dar un paseo? What do you say to going out for a short walk?
Di hola a tus amigos. Say hello to your friends.
Por favor dígalo de nuevo. Please say it one more time.
Eso es difícil de decir. That's hard to say.
¿Podrías decir eso de nuevo? Could you say that again?
Salió sin despedirse de mí. He went out without saying goodbye to me.
"Hora de morir, Tom", dijo Mary. "Time to die, Tom" said Mary.
Ella me dijo "vamos de compras". She said to me "Let's go shopping."
Él se despidió de la familia. He said good-bye to the family.
¿Qué acaba de decir el anuncio? What did the announcement just say?
Él llegó a tratarme de cobarde. He went so far as to say that I was coward.
¿Qué dices de cenar juntos afuera? What do you say to dining out together?
—¡No me des la murga! —dijo él. He said: "Leave me in peace!"
Por favor, di hola a tus padres. Please say hello to your parents.
Saluda a tu mamá de mi parte. Say hello to your mum for me.
¿Entendiste lo que Tom trataba de decir? Did you understand what Tom was trying to say?
Tengo derecho de decir lo que pienso. I have the right to say what I think.
¡Déjate de zarandajas! Céntrate en lo importante. Stop saying trifles! Focus on the main point.
No entendemos nada de lo que decís. We didn't understand anything you said.
"Veamos... ¿tienes jugo de tomate?" dice Hiroshi. "Let me see .... Do you have tomato juice?" says Hiroshi.
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