Sentence examples of "diferente" in Spanish with translation "different"

¿Cachas que es muy diferente? You realize it's very different?
¿Lo podría cambiar por otro diferente? Could you exchange it with a different one?
Su bicicleta es diferente de esta. His bicycle is different from this one.
Tu método es diferente del mío. Your method is different from mine.
Mi cámara es diferente a la tuya. My camera is different from yours.
En cada entrevista ella dice algo diferente. She says something different in every interview.
Tengo ganas de hacer algo diferente hoy. I feel like doing something different today.
Su respuesta es diferente de la mía. His answer is different from mine.
¿Te das cuenta que es muy diferente? You realize it's very different?
Tom ve esto de una manera diferente. Tom sees this in a different way.
Su opinión es diferente de la mía. His opinion is different from mine.
Es bastante diferente de lo que esperaba. It's really different from what I expected.
Mi idea es diferente a la tuya. My idea is different from yours.
Mi idea es bastante diferente de la tuya. My idea is quite different from yours.
Esto es diferente de lo que yo pensaba. This is different from what I thought.
Él es diferente de las personas alrededor suyo. He is different from the people around him.
Ahora veo la vida de un modo diferente. I see life differently now.
¿Tenés la misma cosa en un color diferente? Do you have the same thing in a different color?
Tu forma de hacerlo es diferente a la mía. Your method is different from mine.
En el sur de China, la situación es diferente. In the south of China, the situation is different.
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