Sentence examples of "dimos" in Spanish

De repente nos dimos cuenta de lo que estaba pasando. We suddenly realized what was happening.
A la mitad de nuestro viaje nos dimos cuenta de que no habíamos traído suficiente dinero. Midway through our trip we realized that we hadn't brought enough money.
Les dimos dinero y ropa. We provided them with money and clothes.
Nos dimos un baño de lodo. We took a mud bath.
Dimos un paseo en el parque. We took a walk in the park.
Dimos vueltas por el centro comercial. We wandered round the shopping center.
Dimos por hecho que aprobaría el plan. We took it for granted that he would approve of the plan.
Todos nosotros dimos un suspiro de alivio. We all breathed a sigh of relief.
Dimos una vuelta por todo el lago. We've walked all around the lake.
Dimos vueltas sin rumbo por el barrio comercial. We wandered aimlessly around the shopping district.
Dimos una vuelta alrededor de la ciudad en nuestro auto. We took a turn around the city in our car.
Cuando dimos vuelta a la esquina pudimos divisar el lago aparecer. As we went around the corner, the lake came into view.
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