Sentence examples of "directo" in Spanish with translation "straight"

Iré directo al grano. Estás despedida. I'll come straight to the point. You're fired.
Tom fue directo a la cama. Tom went straight to bed.
Iré directo al grano. Estás despedido. I'll come straight to the point. You're fired.
Cuando ella se desmayó, la llevamos directo a la clínica. We took her straight to the clinic as soon as she fainted.
¿Podrías ir directamente al grano? Could you just get straight to the point?
Iré directa al grano. Estás despedido. I'll come straight to the point. You're fired.
Iré directa al grano. Estás despedida. I'll come straight to the point. You're fired.
Yo fui directamente a donde él. I went to his place straight away.
Él fue directamente hacia un lugar donde servían buena comida. He went straight to a place where good food was served.
Con un martillo y clavos en la mano, ella se dirigió directamente hacia acá. With a hammer and nails in her hand, she headed straight here.
Esperando conseguir superpoderes, Cristóbal Colón una vez se quedó mirando al sol directamente durante cinco minutos. No funcionó. In hopes of attaining superhuman powers, Christopher Columbus once stared at the sun for five minutes straight. It didn't work.
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