Sentence examples of "empezaron" in Spanish

Ellos empezaron al mismo tiempo. They started at the same time.
Empezaron a escalar la colina. They began to climb the hill.
Sus bigotes postizos empezaron a despegarse de un lado. His fake moustache started to peel off on one side.
De repente empezaron a reírse. All at once they began to laugh.
Los exámenes empezaron a las 5 de la tarde. The exams started at 5 o'clock in the evening.
¿Cuándo empezaron a aprender alemán? When did you begin learning German?
En cuanto entre a clases, los estudiantes empezaron a hacerme preguntas. As soon as I entered the class, the students started asking questions.
Ellos empezaron a escalar la colina. They began to climb the hill.
El bar estaba tan lleno de humo que los ojos me empezaron a arder. The bar was so smoky that my eyes started to sting.
Empezaron a investigar sobre ese problema. They began to look into the problem.
Parece que las clases empezaron ayer. It seems classes began yesterday.
Todos se emparejaron y empezaron a bailar. Everyone formed couples and began dancing.
Los texanos empezaron a organizar su propio ejército. The Texans began to organize their own army.
Las hojas empezaron a ponerse rojas y amarillas. The leaves began to turn red and yellow.
Algunas estrellas empezaron a aparecer en el cielo nocturno. Some stars began to appear in the night sky.
Los otros policías empezaron a disparar contra la multitud. The other policemen began shooting at the crowd.
Su discurso duró tanto que algunos empezaron a dormirse. His speech went on for such a long time that some people began to fall asleep.
Los dos niños empezaron a culparse el uno al otro. The two boys began to blame each other.
Sus mejillas empezaron a sonrojarse a causa de sus cumplidos. Her cheeks began to glow at his compliments.
Los europeos empezaron a explorar las Américas a finales del siglo XV. The Europeans began exploring the Americas in the late 15th century.
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