Sentence examples of "equivocados" in Spanish

O tú o yo estamos equivocados. Either you or I am wrong.
Parece que todos estáis equivocados. It appears that you are all mistaken.
Parece que todos ustedes están equivocados. It appears that you are all mistaken.
Tenéis a la persona equivocada. You’ve got the wrong person.
Ella admitió que estaba equivocada. She admitted that she was wrong.
No te vayas a equivocar. You won't make mistakes.
Hay un culto a la ignorancia en los Estados Unidos y siempre lo ha habido. El esfuerzo del anti-intelectualismo ha sido un constante lastre en el modo de funcionar de nuestra política y vida cultural. Inculcada por la equivocada creencia de que la democracia significa que "mi ignorancia es tan buena como tu cultura". There is a cult of ignorance in the United States, and there always has been. The strain of anti-intellectualism has been a constant thread winding its way through our political and cultural life, nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that "my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge."
El destino no se equivoca. Fate errs not in judgment.
Vas en la dirección equivocada. You're going the wrong way.
En realidad podría estar equivocado. I may indeed be wrong.
Me parece que estás equivocado. It appears to me you are mistaken.
Van en la dirección equivocada. You're going the wrong way.
En mi opinión está equivocado. In my opinion, he is wrong.
Creo que se ha equivocado. I think you have made a mistake.
Es probable que estés equivocada. You are probably wrong.
Puede que Tom esté equivocado. Tom may be wrong.
Debo admitir que estuve equivocado. I must admit that I was mistaken.
Tom tomó el bus equivocado. Tom took the wrong bus.
Él admitió que estaba equivocado. He admitted that he was wrong.
Ahí es donde te equivocas. That's where you're mistaken.
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