Sentence examples of "espera" in Spanish with translation "expect"

Se espera una gran catástrofe. A great catastrophe is expected.
Tom espera demasiado de Mary. Tom expects too much of Mary.
Tom espera que Mary le obedezca. Tom expects Mary to obey him.
Los accidentes ocurren cuando menos se espera. Accidents will happen when they are least expected.
Ella siempre espera que yo la ayude. She always expects me to help her.
Tom espera que alguien más venga pronto. Tom is expecting someone else to come soon.
Tom espera que Mary regrese antes de almuerzo. Tom expects Mary to come back before lunch.
Tom no sabe qué espera Mary de él. Tom doesn't know what Mary expects from him.
¿Te dijeron cuándo se espera que te presentes? Have you been told when you are expected to be here?
Se espera que cada persona traiga su propio almuerzo. Every person is expected to bring their own lunch.
Inglaterra espera que todo hombre cumpla con su deber. England expects that every man will do his duty.
Tom espera terminar el reporte para la próxima semana. Tom expects to finish the report by next week.
Se espera que Tom llegue en cualquier minuto ahora. Tom is expected to arrive any minute now.
Se espera que ciento cincuenta mil parejas se casen en Shanghái en 2006. One hundred and fifty thousand couples are expected to get married in Shanghai in 2006.
Se espera que el nuevo gobierno llevará a cabo un buen numero de reformas administrativas. The new government is expected to bring about a good number of administrative reforms.
Se espera que apagues las lámparas y los calentadores antes de que dejes la oficina. You are expected to put out lamps and heaters before you leave the office.
La compañía les provee a sus trabajadores sus uniformes, pero se espera que ellos los laven regularmente. The firm provides its workers with their uniforms, but they are expected to have them regularly cleaned.
Si ella espera que le den cinco días pagados de permiso en el trabajo, se va a llevar un chasco. If she expects them to give her five days off work with pay, she's going to be disappointed.
¿Esperas que yo crea eso? You expect me to believe that?
¿Que esperas que haga exactamente? Just exactly what do you expect me to do?
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