Sentence examples of "fuese" in Spanish

¡Como si no fuese ya suficiente! As if it weren't enough already!
Si fuese más joven, iría al extranjero para estudiar. If I were younger, I would go abroad to study.
No me trates como si fuese un niño. Don't treat me like a child.
El niño habla como si fuese un hombre. The child talks as if he were a man.
Tom pidió a Mary que fuese a la tienda a comprar algo de pan. Tom asked Mary to go to the store to buy some bread.
No me trates como si fuese un crío. Don't treat me like a child.
¿Qué harías si hoy fuese tu último día? What would you do if this was your last day?
Quisiera que él fuese más cuidadoso cuando hable. I wish he had been more careful when he spoke.
El chico habla como si fuese una chica. The boy talks as if he were a girl.
Si yo fuese vos, me quedaría fuera de eso. If I were you, I'd stay away from that.
Si no fuese por el aire y el agua, nada podría vivir. If it were not for air and water, nothing could live.
Él confesó que era culpable. He confessed that he was guilty.
Los jeans van con todo. Jeans go with everything.
Pregúntale cuándo va a volver. Ask her when she will come back.
No se supone que pase. It's not supposed to happen.
Parece que va a nevar. It looks like snow.
¡Vamos a jugar al fútbol! Let's play soccer.
Estos guantes son de Tom. These gloves belong to Tom.
¿Piensas que va a funcionar? Do you think it will work?
Fui andando a la escuela. I walked to school.
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