Sentence examples of "fuese" in Spanish with translation "go"

Si fuese más joven, iría al extranjero para estudiar. If I were younger, I would go abroad to study.
Tom pidió a Mary que fuese a la tienda a comprar algo de pan. Tom asked Mary to go to the store to buy some bread.
Los jeans van con todo. Jeans go with everything.
Los hombres van a trabajar. The men go to work.
Van en la dirección equivocada. You're going the wrong way.
Se ha ido a América. He has gone to America.
Él ha ido a Suiza. He has gone to Switzerland.
No deberías haber ido allí. You shouldn't have gone there.
He ido hoy al médico. Today, I went to the doctor's.
El tren se ha ido. The train is gone.
Nunca he ido a Florida. I have never gone to Florida.
El invierno se ha ido. Winter is gone.
No iras de compras conmigo? Won't you go shopping with me?
Fui hoy a donar sangre. I went to donate blood today.
Fui a nadar al mar. I went swimming in the sea.
Fui a Kioto en auto. He went to Kyoto by car.
Fui a Boston en tren. I went to Boston by train.
Fui al hospital a visitarlo. I went to the hospital to visit him.
Fui en avión a Kyuushuu. I went to Kyushu by airplane.
No fui porque estaba enfermo. Because I was sick, I didn't go.
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