Sentence examples of "hables" in Spanish

No le hables mientras maneja. Don't speak to him while he is driving.
No le hables cuando esté estudiando. Don't talk to him while he's studying.
No hables mal de otros. Don't speak ill of others.
No hables de negocios mientras estamos comiendo. Don't talk about business while we're dining.
No hables con la boca llena. Don't speak with your mouth full.
No hables en la sala de lectura. Don't talk in the reading room.
No le hables de esa forma. Don't speak to him like that.
No hables sobre el trabajo, estamos en vacaciones. Don't talk about work, we're on vacation.
Nunca hables mal de los demás. Never speak ill of others.
Da igual que hables con ella más tiempo. It is no use talking with them any longer.
No hables mal de tus compañeros. Don't speak ill of your classmates.
No hables de la gente a sus espaldas. Don't talk about people behind their backs.
Tom espera que hables con Mary. Tom hopes you'll speak to Mary.
No hables de la soga en casa del ahorcado Don't talk about rope in a hanged man's home
Por favor, no hables demasiado rápido. Please don't speak too quickly.
No hables tan rápido, por favor. Do not speak so fast, please.
No hace falta que hables tan alto. You don't need to speak so loud.
Tom espera que le hables a Mary. Tom hopes you'll speak to Mary.
No te consiento que me hables así. I won't let you speak to me that way.
No hables mal de él en público. Don't speak ill of him in public.
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