Sentence examples of "hacerse famoso" in Spanish

Él está deseando hacerse famoso. He is eager to become famous.
Se hizo famoso gracias a su madre. He became famous thanks to his mother.
Stallone se hizo famoso por las películas. Stallone became famous through film.
Ella empezó a perseguirle antes de que se hiciera famoso. She started pursuing him before he became famous.
Tom quiere hacerse rico y famoso. Tom wants to become rich and famous.
Yo tengo un amigo cuyo padre es un famoso pianista. I have a friend whose father is a famous pianist.
El único objetivo de ella en la vida era hacerse rica. Her only purpose in life was to get rich.
Éste es el bolígrafo con el que escribía el famoso novelista. This is the pen which the famous novelist wrote with.
¿Quieren hacerse ricos? Do you want to be rich?
Además de ser un famoso físico, él es un gran novelista. In addition to being a famous physicist, he is a great novelist.
Su único objetivo en la vida era hacerse rica. Her only purpose in life was to get rich.
Es un famoso médico. He is famous as a doctor.
Dudo que Tom tenga el valor de hacer lo que verdaderamente necesita hacerse. I doubt that Tom has the courage to do what really needs to be done.
Esta novela fue escrita por un famoso escritor americano. This novel was written by a famous American writer.
Toquemos madera para que nuestro sueño pueda hacerse realidad. Let's knock on wood so that our dream will come true.
Detroit es famoso por su industria del automóvil. Detroit is famous for its car industry.
Tom no pudo hacerse escuchar. Tom couldn't make himself heard.
Cristóbal Colón empezó a llevar su famoso sombrero al revés cuando todavía iba al colegio, y sus profesores a menudo le castigaban por no querer quitárselo en clase. Christopher Columbus started wearing his famous hat back when he was still a schoolboy, and was often punished by his teachers for refusing to take it off in class.
Le fue difícil hacerse entender en la reunión. He had a hard time making himself understood at the meeting.
Kioto es famoso por sus viejos templos. Kyoto is famous for its old temples.
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