Sentence examples of "iban" in Spanish

Ellos iban viajando a Windsor. They were travelling to Windsor.
Ellos anunciaron que iban a dar una fiesta. They announced that they were going to have a party.
Los amantes iban del brazo. The lovers were walking arm in arm.
He oído que nos iban a subir el alquiler. I heard they're going to raise our rent.
Sus palabras iban llenas de melancolía. Her words were filled with melancholy.
De vez en cuando ellos iban a comprar juntos. Every now and then they went shopping together.
Peter conoció a Pearl cuando iban juntos al colegio. Peter met Pearl when they were at school together.
Algunas personas parecían pensar que los buenos tiempos iban a durar para siempre. Some people seemed to think the good times were going to last forever.
Tom conoció a Mary cuando iban en enseñanza media. Tom first met Mary when they were in high school.
Cuando ella volvió, dijo que hacías novillos y que te iban a expulsar. When she was back, she said you were playing truant and they wanted to throw you out of the school.
Pip tenía diecisiete y John dieciséis, pero los dos iban todavía a la escuela. Pip was seventeen and John was sixteen, but they were both still at school.
Sus tiempos iban a presenciar, en gran medida, el comienzo y el prevalecer del cumplimiento de estas palabras. His times were to see the beginning and the carrying forward, to some quite serious degree, of the fulfilment of these words.
Todos van a estar ahí. Everyone is going to be there.
Los jeans van con todo. Jeans go with everything.
Pregúntale cuándo va a volver. Ask her when she will come back.
Parece que va a nevar. It looks like snow.
¡Vamos a jugar al fútbol! Let's play soccer.
¿Piensas que va a funcionar? Do you think it will work?
Fui andando a la escuela. I walked to school.
¡Vamos a tomarnos una cervecita! We're gonna grab a drink!
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