Sentence examples of "llevamos" in Spanish with translation "be"

Llevamos tres años estudiando inglés. We have been studying English for three years now.
Llevamos trabajando en esto cinco meses. No la cagues ahora. We've been working on this for five months. Don't fuck it up now.
Antes éramos enemigos, pero hemos enterrado el hacha de guerra y ahora nos llevamos bien. At one time we were enemies, but we've buried the hatchet and we are now on friendly terms with each other.
Tom me lleva dos años. Tom is two years senior to me.
Jack me lleva tres años. Jack is three years older than me.
Él lleva gafas de sol. He is wearing sunglasses.
Él lleva estudiando dos horas. He has been studying for two hours.
El cliente siempre lleva razón. The customer is always right.
La casa lleva años abandonada. The house has been empty for years.
Tom lleva puesto su abrigo. Tom is wearing his coat.
Lleva sin empleo un mes. He has been without employment for a month.
Mary lleva 36 semanas embarazada. Mary is 36 weeks pregnant.
Él lleva muerto cinco años. He has been dead for five years.
Él lleva esperando una hora. He has been waiting for an hour.
Ella llevaba un extraño sombrero. She was wearing a strange hat.
Ella llevaba una falda roja. She was wearing a red skirt.
Ella llevaba un abrigo azul. She was wearing a blue coat.
Ellos llevan aquí desde 1989. They have been here since 1989.
Ellos llevan diez años casados. They have been married for ten years.
«Venga, vámonos.» «¿Adónde me llevas "Come on, let's go." "Where are you taking me?"
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